Procedure after care
Following after care instructions is important for the success of the treatments and crucial in prevention of certain possible side effects and complications.

filler after care
Avoid pressure on treated area for 3 nights ( sleep on your back )
Do not expose the area to intense heat (sauna)
Avoid drinking from a straw for 24 hours ( lip filler)
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Avoid taking blood thinning medication and supplements.
If you are experiencing pain, take Tylenol, not Advil
Botox after care
NO rubbing oe massaging the area for 4 hours
Avoid blood thining medications such as Advil
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Avoid exercising for 24 hours
Avoid exposure to extreme heat such as sauna or hot showers for 24 hours
Stay upright for 4 hours post treatment
PRP Microneedling after care
Avoid exposure to intense heat (sauna, sunlight etc)
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
Plan maintenance treatments; usually twice per year
Wash face after 2- 4 hours with tepid water and apply a gentle post care moisturizing cream. No perfume based cream.
It ia normal to have redness for 48 hours